Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Not Exactly Comfortable"

One of my students used the phrase "not exactly comfortable" to describe some assisted deep backbends in practice yesterday.
I love this phrase! It's so descriptive of the backbending experience for many people...and if you're super comfortable then there are more backbends!

Deep backbends could be a metaphor for life off the mat. The practice of staying with what is "not exactly comfortable" is slowly making it possible for me to stay with any number of experiences that I might have missed out on otherwise. The best parts of my life are often "not exactly comfortable". The most inspiring life stuff is often more intense and more uncomfortable that I might like, but also more amazing than I thought possible.


  1. sticking with challenging aspects of your life can be rewarding and lead to personal evolution; however, it also important to quit unhealthy aspects of your life. Both sticking with it and quitting are not exactly comfortable.

  2. Well said Jared. Awareness has to go hand in hand with making choices.

  3. So true... I had an assistant teacher once tell me that too, and it left me wondering, great idea to turn it into post, very inspiring!

  4. Thanks Claudia! It seems it's a common thread we can all relate to. :)

  5. What's new is always a bit uncomfortable, but if we stick with what's comfortable, we'll never chsnge and grow.

  6. That is so true Fran! Thanks for visiting!
